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Posts Tagged ‘Big Government

Resolutions to Affirm State Sovereignty: Prelude to Secession?

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confederate_flagNatural News: Nine state legislatures have either passed or introduced bills intended to reaffirm their state’s sovereignty as laid out in the Ninth and Tenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. Another twenty states are expected to introduce similar measures this year. While the ramifications of these resolutions are still uncertain, one thing is clear. People are sick and tired of the federal government’s usurpation of power not granted to it by the Constitution. They have had enough of fear based economic terrorism and underhanded promotion of policies and procedures that bypass public scrutiny and the will of the people.

Hearing that the Obama administration is pushing for immediate passage of the nearly $1 trillion deficit spending plan without allowing time for legislators to read the 1400 page document may be the last straw. Some who have read parts of the package have found it to be slanted toward more Democratic-supported social welfare programs, as well as laying the groundwork for sweeping health care reform that should be subject to scrutiny and debate by the people.

bspcommentMaybe these States feel something other than “Hope” is on the way? (:

Written by mliving

February 18, 2009 at 4:20 pm